New Air Traffic Control Center at the Ljubljana airport (ATCC), designed by the Sadar+Vuga studio from Ljubljana, has been officialy opened in May this year and since then awarded the ICONIC AWARD 2013 winner by the German Design Coucil, GOLDEN PENCIL 2013 for the excellent realization in the field of architecture and nominated for PIRANESI AWARD 2013.
New symbol of an old city
Not so long ago hotel Topazz, a new spatial structure that reflects feelings and the atmosphere of its surroundings, enriched the city of Vienna, the capital of Austria. This sculptural form is a combination of bold ideas of BWM Architekten und Partner and interior designer Michael Manzenreiter.
Design hotel hidden inside a historic block
This summer a new design hotel was open in Ljubljana - Hotel Vander, whose design is the work of the famous Slovenian architecural office Sadar+Vuga. The hotel is located in the historic centre of Ljubljana, right next to the Ljubljanica river and on one of the busiest pedestrian paths in the town.
Sea-scented structures
Yet another manifestation worthy of our attention, held as part of Vienna Design Week, gave us the extraordinary overall impression and caused an unusual feeling within its audience. The exhibition that says – come, see, feel, touch – is an original presentation of sea elements shaped in a specific and poetic way. Simply said – this is an unusual display guided by indefatigable strength of imagination.
Vienna – A City Full of Design
The Vienna design week is being held from September 28th to October 7th, for the fifth consecutive year. Yet another exquisite and colourful programme of events awaits the visitors this fall, with the aim to show and enable people to experience the many-faceted creative work in the fields of product, furniture and industrial design as well as experimental design. Design has been and is an important field in the production of culture: it shapes our material culture, our everyday life and our consumer world, it influences our lifestyles and fashions and most fundamentally our aesthetic sense and judgements.
FRAME Moooi design award
World’s leading interior design magazine FRAME, together with the firm Moooi, known as creators of some of most inspiring designed furniture, are organizing again this year the competition for FRAME Moooi Design Award 2013 – calling professional architects and designers to enter with their products realized between 1st January, 2011, and 1st September, 2012.
European Design Day 2009
U sklopu Evropske godine kreativnosti i inovacija (2009.), Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA) je proglasio 1. oktobar za European Design Day. Osnovna ideja obeležavanja ovog datuma je želja da se istakne važnost dizajna kao značajnog inovacionog pokretača evropske industrije. Više na adresi BEDA.
Standards and Normatives
Oblast planiranja i građenja u našoj sredini oduvek je posmatrana kao tehnički – građevinski problem, iako se zapravo radi o uspostavljanju fizičkih obrazaca za život ljudi i njihovu interakciju. U tom smislu, i regulativa iz ove oblasti odnosila se prevashodno na uređivanje osnovnih tehničkih pravila građenja, a arhitektonska organizacija prostora je ostajala u najvećoj meri neregulisana. U periodu usmerene stambene izgradnje, samo su u nekim slučajevima, poput izgradnje koju je finansirala JNA ili Grad Beograd, postojali pravilnici koji su definisali standarde i normative po kojima su projektovani stanovi, odnosno objekti. Oblast planiranja stambenih naselja i uređenja javnih prostora u tim naseljima nije bila regulisana ni na takav način. Danas, kada se stambena izgradnja zasniva u najvećem delu na tržišnim zakonitostima, praktično ne postoji nikakav važeći i obavezujući pravilnik ili drugi sličan dokument, kojim bi se jasno definisali minimumi ili optimumi prostornih uslova za normalan život ljudi. Kvalitet primenjenih rešenja ima trend stalnog opadanja, tako da smo suočeni sa apsurdnom činjenicom da je nivo koji su imali stanovi izgrađeni pre tridesetak godina za današnje pojmove nedostižan. Razlozi za takva kretanja nisu samo ekonomske prirode, već su i posledica diskontinuiteta projektantske aktivnosti, koja dostignuti nivo nije uspela da održi tokom krize devedesetih godina, budući da opšteprihvaćeni postulati uređenja prostora nisu bili pretočeni u obavezujuće norme. Studija o životnom standardu 2002/2007. [1] pokazuje da je struktura i opremljenost stanova siromašnih domaćinstava značajno lošija u odnosu na domaćinstva iznad granice siromaštva (koja većinom stanuju u objektima izgrađenim osamdesetih i sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka – periodu koji navodimo kao vreme uređene stambene izgradnje). Studija pokazuje trend porasta udela novoizgrađenih stanova u ukupnom broju, te je stoga važno što pre urediti ovu oblast, kako se ne bi uvećavao fond neuslovnih objekata. [1] Studija o životnom standardu, Srbija 2002 – 2007. Beograd: Republički zavod za statistiku Srbije, 2008.