Summer School of Architecture 2013

Topic: „The methodology of conservation and restoration of brick walls, lime and mud systems & management of energy consumption”

The Summer school of Architecture takes place in Bač,Vojvodina, Serbia, 25-30 August 2013

The Summer School of Architecture is an educational and scientific project of the professional NGO “The Group of Architects” from Belgrade, established in 2010. The main idea of this project is to bring together international experts and students of various disciplines to collaborate, researching the possibilities for sustainable restoration of tangible heritage. The project activities consist of lectures, practical analysis and field work.

The program of this year’s edition of the School is divided into two modules – technological and architectural. Both of the modules are going to focus on technologies of building made of brick, with brief explanation of the concept of mixed systems applied in case of housing architecture – the application of the adobe and rammed earth.

The technology module will focus on methodology of conservation and restoration of brick walls and application of lime systems (mortars). Building the program upon the experiences of the “HEROMAT” project by Faculty of Technology – University of Novi Sad and The Provincial Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, the participants will have the opportunity to collaborate on the ongoing research on historical material sampling and diagnostics, synthesizing protective materials and mixing consolidants for the reparation of brick walls built with lime- and mud-mortar systems.

The architectural module focuses on building data bases on “monuments of culture” and pre- and post-restoration monitoring, emphasizing so called “live” heritage, the heritage/monuments that are in use. Special part of the module will be the topic of management of energy consumption in monuments of culture, and the potential application of renewable energy resources in this domain. The buildings that are going to be in the focus of this case study (fortress, certain number of houses, restaurant of traditional cuisine) are going to be of various use/function, scattered around the municipality.

Who can apply: Summer school is open for students of architecture, technology, civil engineering, conservation and art history

fee: 299Eur (the fee covers accommodation, food and working material)

Važni datumi:

Application deadline: 10 August 2013

Summer school: 25-30 August 2013.

More information and the application form can be found at Group of architects’ website in sections News and Current projects


Architecture, Bač, Building heritage, Heritage, Summer school of architecture, Sustainable development

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