Jelica Jovanović writes about Ivanka Raspopović, one of the most enigmatic figures of our modern architecture, known above all by great projects done in cooperation with prof. Ivan Antić, as part of the current project by CAB: Women in Architecture.

Architects, Architecture, Ivanka Raspopović, Modern architecture, MSUB, Women in architecture

Maroje Mrduljaš and Vladimir Kulić, eds., Unfinished Modernisations: Between Utopia and Pragmatism (Zagreb: UHA, 2012) As the Western masters have been studied thoroughly in the past (information on architects and their work was easily accessible, for various reasons, such as the longevity and marketing skills of the most prominent figures and the large number of their students and followers), contemporary researchers of the Modern turn to the less-known field of former socialist Europe, USSR and the so-called third world countries.

Book, Modern architecture, Unfinished modernisations

Naselje Pruitt-Igoe, u St. Louisu u američkoj državi Missouri je u teoriji urbanizma postalo simbol propasti modernističkog projekta. Kompleks stambenih objekata je projektovao arhitekta Minoru Yamasaki (projektant srušenih kula WTC u Njujorku). Iako je prvobitna ideja bila da se na efikasan način reši problem substandardnog stanovanja u slamovima St. Louisa, Pruitt-Igoe je vrlo brzo postalo nebezbedno i zapušteno naselje. Odlukom Saveznog departmana za stanovanje, naselje sagrađeno 1954. godine je delimično srušeno 16. marta 1972. u 15 časova. Ovaj dan je proglašen za dan kada je umrla Moderna arhitektura (Charles Jencks). Veoma je inspirativan novi dokumentarni film The People of Pruitt-Igoe, koji sa vremenskom distancom i iz drugog ugla govori o rušenju naselja (

Film, Modern architecture, Pruitt-Igoe