The Centre for Architecture Belgrade, in cooperation with BLOK Conference, invites you to attend and participate in the discussion on women in architecture, which will be held on the first day of the fifth BLOK Conference, on October 10th 2013, around 4 PM, as part of the main programme of the Conference.

Architecture, Beograd, Blok, Centar za arhitekturu, Conference, Discussion, Events, Women in architecture, Zira

Last week the fourth International BLOK Conference took place in Belgrade.

Beograd, Blok, Conference, Zira

Fourth International Conference BLOK 2012 starts this Thursday, May 10th, at the ZIRA Hotel in Belgrade. For the first time,  part of the Conference is a Film Marathon that will take place during the weekend, May 12th and 13th, at the Yugoslav Film Archive. This Film Marathon is dedicated to architectural cinema with an unofficial headline: "Directing life". During the two days the audience will enjoy such cult movies as Metropolis, Alphaville, Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey, and contemporary blockbusters like 12 Monkeys, Gattaca and Cube.

Beograd, Blok, Conference, Film, Kinoteka, Zira

Dvodnevna Konferencija BLOK, koja će okupiti veliki broj poznatih arhitekata i drugih stručnjaka iz oblasti projektovanja, izgradnje i dizajna održaće se od 10. do 11. maja, u kongresnom centru Zira, u organizaciji kompanije Projmetal.

Beograd, Blok, Conference, Zira

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Blok, Conference