Women in Architecture

The global architectural community has been discussing the topic of Women in Architecture for quite some time. From research on the status of women in the architectural practice, discussions on Architect Barbie, through features focusing on forgotten women of the architectural past, up to the activities of specialized professional associations, this topic has become a serious movement which aims to draws focus and create change in the way the architectural professions works, and to turn the hermetic architectural community into a contemporary and lively profession which is enriched and improved by the diversity of its members.

Centre for Architecture Belgrade would like to contribute to the discussion on women and their influence on architecture through a view at the local architectural history and contemporary practice. Women architects in Serbia have been active since the beginning of the 20th century, and some of them have, albeit sometimes from the shadow, left an important and visible trace on our built environment. Starting with Jelisaveta Načić, through architects of the Modernist movement, to successful architects and urban desingers working today, women have succeeded in playing a key role in almost all phases of development of Serbian architecture.

Regardless of today’s equality in architecture as well as other professions, the fact remains that women have entered and were recognized in the architectural profession much later than men, and we still don’t appreciate enough the work and opus of the women in our architectural history. We believe this topic to be significant and exciting to all who love and work in architecture, and above all to women in architecture who are today actively designing our built environment. Additionaly, a review of the feminine side of Serbian architecture could allow young members of our profession to find role models and examples with whose sensibility they can more easily identify.

This is why in September we are starting the initiative Women in architecture. During 5 weeks Centre for Architecture Belgrade will present some of the influential women of our architectural history and contemporary practice through a series of articles and interviews on our website, as well as features on social networks. In an attempt to find answers to questions such as whether there is a female principle in architecture and what makes the female contribution to architecture special, we hope to draw attention to the rich opus and important contribution, independent as well as in teamwork, of women architects to our cities and built environment.


Architects, Architecture, Centar za arhitekturu, Women in architecture

One Response to “Women in Architecture”

  1. […] od osnivača nevladine organizacije EXPEDITIO, Biljana Gligorić, u sklopu akcije CAB: Žene u arhitekturi, govori o odgovornosti, etici i ulozi arhitekte u tranzicionim […]

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